Need to update your business page or social media image? I’ve started 2017 with multiple requests for headshots. I like to structure these sessions to get what is needed for business (traditional headshots) and use the extra time to capture my clients a little less boxy. In the days of social media,  it’s nice to have an updated “selfie” that you didn’t actually have to take yourself. Traditional “headshots” from this session are also included at at the bottom of this post. Christine is beautiful, happy to capture her beauty and business side.

    Here are a few of the actual “headshots.” Fun shoot and got what was needed for business.

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    This mom was the prop-queen! This session a friend calls my “GAP ad” took place a year ago (but I never got around to blogging it). Their mom did all the props, I take no credit for those.  She’s really creative. I took her wedding pictures years ago still remember the wedding decor and vintage feather coat she donned over her dress for some fun images. I hope these make you smile. Happy holidays!

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